
If you haven’t guessed it, I’m Travis Ballard.
I build custom WordPress powered websites.
I’m a freelance graphic designer and web developer living in Hudson, Florida and I specialize in WordPress plugin and theme development. I’ve been building websites for over 10 years now with the past 5 almost solely dedicated to using WordPress to power everything from blogs to product showcases for textile companies to photography portfolios and more.
Why WordPress? Well, since I paid someone to put the first version of TravisBallard.com together with WordPress because I wasn’t familiar with it and didn’t want to take the time to get familiar with it, I have fallen in love with everything it has to offer. You could say that I’m familiar with it now. My clients love that it’s easy to use and that they can control the content on their website without having to come back to me to update their sites for them. I love the flexibility that it offers. The days of it being just a blogging platform are long gone and if you hire me, I’ll prove it to you.