Jul 09 2012

Key Features
- Ajax Contact form
- Ajax Inquiry Form
- Custom Photo Gallery
- Custom Widgets
- Keyboard Gallery Navigation
- Slideshow
- Sortable (drag/drop) Sidebar Images
This is one of my all time favourites. Narelle Watson is a very talented Wedding Photographer in Perth, Australia. To give her the ability to add new photos and sets at any time, we use WordPress as a CMS. This project is special to me and here’s why… Because of this being a gallery for her photography, Narelle wanted to be able to crop uploaded photos however she felt would best show off her work. So we integrated the jQuery JCrop plugin with WordPress’ media uploader for her and boy is it a dream come true.
Another feature that I’m not even sure Narelle is aware of, is the keyboard integration to navigate through the galleries. Using the arrow keys you can navigate through the images on the right panel. If you hold the shift key and use the right or left arrow keys, it will navigate though the pages in the panel. On-top of all that, there’s also an ajax enquiry form where potential clients can enquire about her services. and a ton of other JavaScript goodies that make the user experience top notch.