Monthly Archives: September 2012

So last week I put together a website for a friend who sent me a pretty sweet little GoPro camera. I absolutely love this thing! Already having some fun with it too. Can’t wait to get our quads running better so we can head out the track or to the pits and get some nice […]
TBar: How do you feel about it?
Last week I launched an advertising campaign of sorts ( along with the new site! ) to where I released an update to a my popular TB-Testimonials plugin that included a new tool that I dubbed TBar. TBar basically adds a ‘TB’ icon to the WordPress admin bar with a drop down menu which logged in users can use to see a list of my plugins, visit my website, and email me directly regarding quotes for plugin and or theme development
New website. And it’s about dang time!

It’s taken a while but it’s finally here, the re-design I’ve been promising. I love it, I hope that you do as well! I put a lot of hard work into it making sure it showcases my work beautifully and gives you an easy way get in touch with me regarding your own projects. I […]