Blog Archives: WordPress
Use a custom image size in your testimonials

In this post I will show you how to create a user defined image size in your functions.php file and then we will go over how to use that image size in your output template for the TB-Testimonials WordPress plugin.
TB-Tesimonials 1.7 Released

I didn’t get very many feature requests for 1.7 so I’m launching it with what I had already done to it. I removed TBar from the plugin to make some users happier plus it really wasn’t as effective as I had hoped that it would be and while I still think it’s a great idea, […]
Feature requests for upcoming TB-Testimonials 1.7

Version 1.7 is in the making and while it’s still a little ways out I wanted to reach out to the community and see what all you would like to see added in the next version of one of the best WordPress testimonial plugins out there. So far for the 1.7 upgrade we have these […]
Single Testimonial Widget for TB-Testimonials

Earlier today I had someone contact me on the TBTestimonials support forum asking about a slimmed down version of the testimonial widget where they could select a single testimonial to be displayed with no fancy effects or anything. So after throwing it together I wanted to share it with all of you incase you wanted […]
Creating a Paginated TB-Testimonials Output Template

This is something that gets brought up every now and then so I wanted to show you guys a little class I built a while back to help with this and also show off how powerful TB Testimonials really is. To display the paginated testimonials we will create a new page and then insert a […]
Integrating an “Add Testimonial” form with TB-Testimonials

I’ve had a couple people ask about having a form on their websites where people can submit their own testimonials to be approved so I figured why not write something teaching people how to do it. Creating the form First thing first we need to create a page template with the form for our page. […]
TBar: How do you feel about it?
Last week I launched an advertising campaign of sorts ( along with the new site! ) to where I released an update to a my popular TB-Testimonials plugin that included a new tool that I dubbed TBar. TBar basically adds a ‘TB’ icon to the WordPress admin bar with a drop down menu which logged in users can use to see a list of my plugins, visit my website, and email me directly regarding quotes for plugin and or theme development
Excluding a custom taxonomy from WP_Query

While working on a project where I need to exclude a custom taxonomy from my output, I found myself scratching my head. I assumed since I exclude normal WordPress categories by using something like this: $query = new WP_Query( array( ‘post_type’ => ‘post’, ‘post_status’ => ‘publish’, ‘category’ => -34 ); that I would do something […]
Attached Images Metabox
Just wanted to give an update on this. The repository request has been approved but unfortunately I haven’t had the time to make a couple necessary changes tot he way that the data is saved as of yet. Hope to get it out soon.
Shortcode integration for Flash MP3 Player from