A portrait shoot with attitude!
Apr 30 2008 0 Comments

Yesterday my girlfriend and I begged her youngest daughter (15) to let us do her makeup and take her outside for a portrait shoot. So after a bit of bartering she agreed to let us at the cost of a mere $10, hehe. The shoot turned out really well except 1 umbrella was damaged due to the wind knocking it over. I really need to invest in some sand bags for us I guess. It’s still usable though so it wasn’t a complete loss. Overall we ended up with some really nice photos for the portfolio.
The shoot started out like usual… deciding on a location somewhere around here. We happened to have an old couch sitting out back that is being weathered and is covered with leaves from this past winter so that made a really awesome prop to use. Started off with my girlfriend doing a few shots from the front and sides and then moving around a bit and eventually I ended up pulling the truck over behind the couch so that I had something to stand on so that I could get a nice point of view from above. Out of all the shots we took, maybe around 40-50 or so.. we ended with up with 2 that we really like. One from Pam where she is down low and the whole couch is in the frame and then the one I took where I was standing on the truck looking down.
Pam and I will be doing a portrait shoot this evening for a friends newborn. really looking forward to that as I am sure that she is as well. a lot of ideas for poses and stuff so we’ll let you know how it goes.
On a side note I have completed the portfolio page and everything is up and running smoothly on there. I also enabled PicLens on the portfolio so you can view the images as a slide show and whatever else. If you don’t have PicLens or haven’t tried it, do it now. It’s an awesome plugin for FireFox and makes browsing images a breeze.