The Four Horseman
Sep 21 2008 0 Comments

Well it’s been a couple weeks and the post has been delayed a little but I’ve finally gotten the time to tell you guys all about it! We started off down at a neighbors house setting up before everyone got there and getting ready. Once the horseman arrived it was a lot more than i had expected. They had an armory in the trunks of their cars i think. ha ha. The shoot went great and we were very happy with the results and i think that they were as well.
We started off doing some individual shots of everyone on the horses which was a lot of fun and their costumes were great. The horses we also pretty good for the most part considering that they had swords and stuff waving around their heads for most of the shoot so i was really impressed with how well they behaved. Well, until one of them threw a fit because she got tied to a tree and then broke the lead rope. heh. After we got individual shots of everyone on the horses we did a couple group shots with everyone in the photo and then the group decided that wanted some comedic shots. This was a lot of fun. We had one one of them proposing to a girl on the horse while the rest of the group stood behind them with swords and spears to his back as if it were a forced proposal. Then they had another idea where one of them bent over and grabbed a tree stump while they pretended like they were going to ram this really large studded weapon up his rear end. it was pretty funny i promise. After that we did another posed shot of them gathered around a trunk in the woods with one of the girls up on top of it dancing for golden coins.
We all had a great time and they were a great team to work with. 4 hours of shooting and hundreds of photos and a couple costumes later, we persuaded them to head down to our house where we lit an old couch on fire and had them all crowd around it to get some photos in front of a big fire. Those turned out really well also. We are definitely looking forward to working with this group again in the future. Check out our portfolio and our flickr pages to see some of the shots from this shoot.