Feature requests for upcoming TB-Testimonials 1.7
Mar 15 2013 0 Comments

Version 1.7 is in the making and while it’s still a little ways out I wanted to reach out to the community and see what all you would like to see added in the next version of one of the best WordPress testimonial plugins out there.
So far for the 1.7 upgrade we have these changes in store:
- Removed option to switch to template API introduces in 1.6. It is now active by default.
- Added list of user defined tags to the “tags” tab on the Output Templates page. Should make remembering your custom tags a little easier. Especially if you have a few of them.
- Fixed a few bugs that are present when using a filtered post type
- New shortcode generator with more options and a better user experience!
Here’s a preview of the upcoming tags screen ( a feature I’ve been wanting to add for a long time ):
Here’s a preview of the new shortcode generator:
If you have anything else you would like to see added, please chime in and let’s talk about it and see if we can’t make this thing that much better for everyone that uses it.