TB-Tesimonials 1.7 Released
Apr 27 2013 0 Comments

I didn’t get very many feature requests for 1.7 so I’m launching it with what I had already done to it. I removed TBar from the plugin to make some users happier plus it really wasn’t as effective as I had hoped that it would be and while I still think it’s a great idea, I’ll be using it in my client work and not my plugins instead. Also in this update there’s a shiny new Shortcode Generator in TinyMCE with a lot more options that will allow you to fine tune your shortcodes.
Aside from the new Shortcode Generator, we also now list user defined template tags in the tags tab of the “Output Settings” page so you can see what tags are available for you to use as you add them. No more digging through code and trying to remember all of the tags you added to the template system. This is a HUGE plus in my book and hopefully you all will like it as well.
As usual, if you have any problems during the upgrade, please open a support topic in the forum and I will try to help you as best I can. Thanks again for using TB-Testimonials!
-Travis Ballard