Monthly Archives: April 2008
A portrait shoot with attitude!

Yesterday my girlfriend and I begged her youngest daughter (15) to let us do her makeup and take her outside for a portrait shoot. So after a bit of bartering she agreed to let us at the cost of a mere $10, hehe. The shoot turned out really well except 1 umbrella was damaged due […]
MJ Morning Show, Nikon D2X up for grabs.
well to all you aspiring photographers out there.. here’s a mint Nikon D2X up for grabs to the highest bidder. MJ from the MJ Morning Show on 93.3 WFLZ is auctioning off his camera. so go place some bids. i would love to but unfortunately i don’t have the money at the moment. he’s accepting […]
My morning at the Golf & Country Club
Well, this morning was beautiful. low laying fog everywhere and perfect for some photos. i love taking photos when it’s foggy outside. it really adds a lot to an image. an atmosphere that adds wonder to an image. adds emotion. so… i decided i wanted to go out and see what i could find to […]
Almost there…
Well, tonight i got the new site most of the way up and it is looking really nice. just finished getting the Recent Work section to pull recent images from mine and Pam’s flickr pages. i still have to set up a database to queue the ‘Pic of the week’ and then i will start […]
Inspiration, what inspires you?
Well, here it is sunday night at about 6:30pm. nothing to do and i have not touched my camera in about a week. she sits in the closet in her cozy little backpack awaiting my return. I can hear her begging for attention, for me to take her out and show her the world. but […]
Flickr Video…
Well, 2 days go on April 9th, 2008 a popular website that is owned by Yahoo! decided that they were going to introduce video as a format that they allow to be uploaded and viewed to by other account holders. If you haven’t guessed, I am talking about Flickr. My girlfriend and I, being serious […]