FBLike WordPress Plugin
Apr 21 2010 71 Comments
One of the best Facebook Like Plugins for WordPress out there. Add Facebook Like button to your posts. Configurable options allow you to select between IFrame & XFBML output methods, Select where to display your Like button. Adds a new button to TinyMCE that pops up a dialog to help you configure your shortcode. Comment form does appear when using the XFBML method.
Plugins now have their own section on the site and because of that I’ve moved all related information for FBLike WordPress Plugin. If you’re here for support, please use the Support Forums.
works pretty well is there a ay to get the link button to only work for the post that it is on? Cause once you hit it it seems to only like 1 thing on my site and then you can’t select anything else to like.
that’s rather weird, it’s using the same url for each ( assuming it can’t find the post ID for get_permalink() ) but i have emailed you requesting some further information on your theme and hosting provider so hopefully we can get this resolved.
I was extremely happy to find that you have made this Facebook Plugin for WordPress but for some reason when I test out the button on my site I get a error message that states, “The page at http://jeffblais.com/2009/09/07/real-time-information-addiction/ could not be reached.” Any idea what I could do to fix this?
it loads the page there fine for me. could be something causing it to time out it happens now and then for me in firefox ( not that often though ) just hit refresh and it should be fine.
Thanks for the help and for creating the Plugin!
[…] and some not inconsiderable intervention from The Guru, you can now see the result of Travis Ballard’s FBLike plugin below. Click it and tell all your friends on Facebook that you enjoyed this post. Or any other. Go […]
Thanks for all the work on this. Works great!
[…] Here’s a quick guide on what I did to get this running for the Like and Comments plugins for my photo blog. For wordpress, it was far easier since there are plugins for it. I ended up using the FBLike plugin. […]
any way to change the white background colour as it ruins dark themes?
Thanks for the comment Ian, Unfortunately no there isn’t. Not that I am aware of anyway. I don’t see any args that can be passed in their documentation. I admit it would be very nice if they allowed this though and I will definitely implement it if anyone knows of a way to do it. It’s an IFrame so keep that in mind.
[…] your WordPress site, and click “Plugins
Awesome plugin, worked much better than 2 others I’ve tried and trying to do it myself. 2 quick questions – I checked the “show on home page” option, which I take it to mean where the article excerpts are, but am only getting the button to show on the individual posts. May have to do with some customization done on my end and where it is pointing to, but if you have any ideas, would love to hear from you. Second, do I need to add the open graph protocol meta tags separately or is that somehow built into this?
Many thanks!
Hey I like your plugin a lot. I would like for the button to show up in RSS feeds as well though.
Not a bad idea at all. Unfortunately though you wouldn’t be able to use the XFBML method as it requires the Javascript SDK from Facebook so you’d be stuck with the IFrame and the IFrame wouldn’t render in the majority of feed readers. I did add a few more options though and will be updating shortly.
love the plugin, although i wish it had a place to enter admin id’s and meta data.
meta data is coming in a future release. not exactly sure what you mean by entering admin id’s though. elaborate?
I updated to the new version of the plugin, I was using XFBML comment (with integrated Like button above), and after the update, the LIke button only appears on one post. I tried installing the older version of the plugin, but the same. Any suggestions?
Daniel: Use the contact form here to send me an email or just post another comment containing the WordPress version you’re using, theme name/author, server information for your site, host for your site, and your browser information and I will see if I can replicate the problem. Is anyone else experiencing this?If so please chime in and let me know. It’s working just fine on my servers so it could be a server configuration issue between different hosts and if that is the case i’d like to try and find a way around it.
travis…. loaded your word press plug in to my site… but can’t seem to get the thing to work right…. when you use it… it seems to begin to work… then it throws an error message… any idea why it is doing this?
Hi Paula, I sent you an email regarding this.
Edit: Looking at your site, it seems to be working fine. on this page http://lezgetreal.com/?p=30891 it’s showing up below the “you might also like” content.
Hi Travis, thanks for this awesome plugin. It works great, except I have one minor issue – when someone likes my post, the blog title appears in their FB newsfeed with an | appended to the end. Is there a simple fix for this?
Hi JB, Thanks for the comment! The simplest fix I can come up with would be to set a title on your blog. From what I can tell your blog does not currently have a title set. To do this, go to the settings menu item and fill out where it says blog title and then click save. Hope this helps.
I love this! Thanks so much for developing it. I was very excited when I implemented it and saw that 2 people quickly liked a post.
Here are 3 questions:
1) I’ve checked “show on homepage” but they aren’t. Everything else works fine.
2) Can I see WHO liked my post somewhere?
3) Can I get aggregate ‘like’ metrics across my blog somewhere?
Thanks so much!
Can you give me some details about your theme? what it is, who makes it, which version of php you are using, which version of WordPress you are using and the like? I’d like to solve this for you if I can.
Thanks, Travis
Is there a way to get it to show at the bottom of my post instead of right above the image? It gets lost at the top… (www.cgregori.com/blog)
Hi Chris,
You can change where the plugin is displayed by going to settings > FBLike and then editing the option to show above or below a post. Hope this helps.
Travis Ballard
Hi there,
have you tried FBLike in XFBML mode with the Chrome Browser? I don’t see the button in my blog posts. In Firefox 3.5 on the other hand it works like a charm.
@SeveQ: I have tried it in Google Chrome and it seems to be working alright for me. Anyone else have this issue?
@Chris: I beleive that has something to do with Facebook not registering it. I’ve a page with almost 200 likes and it only shows me 4 icons. It will only show icons for those who are added as a friend so make sure they are your friends and they should show.
@Roby: In my initial testing the only color schemes that changed where the default one and the dark. the light version looks the same as the normal default one. I will look into this further when things slow down a little. Currently catching up on work since i went to WordCamp Raleigh and spent all of my money having a good time with my WordPress Brethren, lol.
I’m wondering the same thing as Erin, I can see 2 of the 4 names of who liked it. I’m wondering who the other 2 are.
Hi Travis,
the colour scheme doesn´t seem to work. I have a dark background and can´t read the text.
My theme is jarrah 1.7 by Marsian
And I´m on WP 2.9.2
Hey Travis, Great plugin mate..
Just wondering, when I like a page it will only display the page tile instead of the POST title ..so every like has the HTML in it instead of the actual post heading..Is there a fix for this? or is it theme related?
Nevermind, it was theme related..Cheers
Hey Aaron, sorry I didn’t get back to you sooner but I’m glad to hear you got the issue resolved. Thanks for the compliment and the comment!
I’ve installed and activated the plugin. When I click ‘Like” I see my FB account name but I do not see the fact that I like the site appearing in my Facebook stream. Any ideas?
great plugin!
I want to add it manually to my theme, but it doesn’t show up.
Not sure where to add it in my theme, since I don’t have a single.php
Also I would like to break the line after the button
would appreciate your help!
Hey Jasmine, you can use the fblike() function inside of your theme to show the plugin where you like. in order for this to work though it is required to be “within the loop”. Hope this helps, Thanks for the comment and the compliment!
Hi, thank you so much for a nice plugin
I wonder if there’s a way to let people see a list of most “liked” posts? I wanted to use it as a way for people to vote for recipes they like…
unfortunately doing that with the facebook like plugin is not possible as it uses an iframe and we can’t keep track of the clicks. on a side note, there are other ‘star rating’ plugins that are freely available within the repository for you to use that will offer soemthing along the lines of what you want. they keep track of all ‘likes’ and a sidebar widget can be created to display ones with the most votes. if you’re interested a consultation use the contact link at the top of the page and i would be more than happy to help. Thank you for taking the time to post your comment.
i’ll try to use this plugin on my site thanks for sharing
Hi there,
Thanks for the plugin – works great! I had a question though – I am currently in the process of moving my blog from a subdirectory to a subdomain for various reasons and I noticed that my FB likes haven’t ported over. Is there a way for me to capture these likes so that it appears when my subdomain is published?
because the likes are based on the url that was used to submit the links, it won’t work unless you add some new rewrite rules to keep the old URL’s intact.
Got it – thanks for the fast response Travis!
Hi Travis,
Thanks for a great plugin. I know this feature isn’t included in your current version, but I am wondering if you can explain to me what it would take to be able to see a list of all the people who have liked my post?
Is this something that can be done? Is it an issue on Facebook’s end?
Hey Joe, Unfortunately this is something on Facebook’s end and we do not have access to the data as of yet. At least we didn’t when I created the plugin. Haven’t really heard anything new about it since then though.
Thanks for the response Travis. After reading it, I did a bit more research, and found something that might work:
Do you think this is something that could potentially accomplish my goal?
Actually it does look like it would work though it would require an additional library to access facebook’s api and pull the data. finding the object id is another task in it’s own though I’m sure once the API is accessed that information would probably be available. Currently I’m really swamped with work so I won’t be able to integrate this any time soon but you’re more than welcome to modify it if you want. If it is really important I could move it to the front of my list of things to do but it wouldn’t be for free.
when i implement this on my sites, i get a pop up warning with noscript in FF about a “potential clickjacking/UI Redressing attempt”, yet i dont see this on other peoples sites (only the sites ive implemented it on myself)
Hey Bob,
Not really aware of this issue. Is it with the fblike plugin or is it with implementing the like button in general? If it is with the plugin, can you provide details of your setup and a link to a place where it can be seen for further analysis/debugging?
Travis Ballard
This is the best facebook like plugin I have come across. Thanks again for your work, and support.
I have another question:
Would there be a way to use shortlinks when posting to facebook. For example, in conjunction with the “WP Bit.ly” plugin?
This would allow me to track all clicks from bit.ly.
Hey Joe,
Thanks for the compliment! As for using short links it’s definitely possible, I will add in a hook so that it can be changed to use a bit.ly url or something this coming weekend. basically it will be a hook that you will need to hook into in order to change the default url that is used ( the permalink ) but you can do this in your functions.php
Travis Ballard
I’ve been using this for a while now with no problems but since today’s update it’s stopped working
When I click like it seems to work but then instantly resets as if nothing had happened. There’s no chance to add a comment which you could in the previous version.
Thought you should know
This has been fixed in version 1.3.3
Travis Ballard
Yep , tested and confirmed it’s working fine.
Thanks for the quick update 😉
Nice and simple, love it. Is there a way to have the button ONLY show at the bottom of the post?
Hey Toby, Thanks. I’m not really sure that I understand the question. You can change the settings so that the button is displayed before or after a post as well as select which type of pages to display it on. Setting smenu can be found under the “Settings” menu item.
Hope that helps.
Travis Ballard
Travis – DOH! I totally missed that. Yes that is exactly what I was looking for. Thank you!!
Hi, you have an error in creation iFrame, there you’ve got allow Transparency instead of allowtransparency.. One space between allow and transparency (at least in my case was error there) Anyway excellent pluging
Hi Pavel,
Thanks for catching this, will fix it soon and get an update out for you.
Travis Ballard
FBLike is not working right now. I checked other websites with the plugin and it is also unresponsive, same as the one in my site. Can you check what the problem is? Thanks!
This should be resolved now? Let me know, thanks.
Hi Travis,
thank you for this, I love it.
Today I changed the layout and now I would like to change the alignment to center. I couldn’t find this on the admin page. Can you help me in which php file can I change this setting?
Thanks in advance!
Thank you, this was exactly what I was looking for!
Link exchange?
I’m curious, could you explain what (if any) benefits you get from switching to the XFBML method?
Basically you get the comment form with it if you use XFBML
do you have a “donate” link for this plugin? I just put it on my blog, and it looks great.
hey Travis,
thanks so much for making the plugin and sharing with the WP users. I’ve installed your plugin on my website Outernationalist.net but it is not working on any of the browsers apart from Safari. Also, on the post page, I can’t see the “Like” button active. can you please have a look and let me know the problems? thanx in advance. Cheers!
Hi, there! Wondering if you have any insight into what’s going on with FB like bugs since the latest WP update. It’s all FB plugins, not just yours, and it doesn’t affect all posts or even all blogs, but a lot of us are having random bug trouble. (http://wordpress.org/support/topic/facebook-like-button-not-working-2 for one discussion on the topic)
I know it’s not specific to your plugin, but was hoping you might have some insight. Thanks very much!
Hi there – I’ve got something crazy going on on our site at richlifeadvisors.com
The FBLike button is not recording likes on the front page, or on those front page posts on their post pages. But I can add likes to older posts.
Any ideas would be very much appreciated.
Hi Travis,
I am using your like button on my wordpress site, and am a real beginner.
How do i get it to point to my facebook page, do i need to type a FB URL in?
hi Travis,
i want to add the button manually…
where do you put this :
on a thesis theme?