Blog Archives: WordPress
Removing the WordPress 3.1 Admin Bar
In the upcoming version 3.1 of WordPress you will notice the BuddyPress style admin bar that appears when you’re logged in. Personally I kind of like it but there may be some folks out there who don’t care for it so much. So I’ll show you how to remove it with a simple line of […]
Adding a testimonial to your WordPress post
I have had a few people contact me and say that they have not been able to locate the button in the editor. It should be visible in the first row of the Visual Editor so even if you are not showing the Kitchen Sink you should still be able to use it. Earlier, my […]
TB Testimonials

Testimonial Management done right with Custom Post Types. Supports a testimonial.php template file for single testimonial pages. Testimonial Shortcode to insert testimonials in any post or page. Animated Sidebar Widget, Built in documentation and code examples. Customize output and tons of other options!
WordCamp Raleigh
I have had the honour of being invited to WordCamp Raleigh by the man himself, Michael Torbert to be their Guest Photographer. How awesome is that? I’m stoked at the opportunity and it means a lot that I was considered. I’ve been involved with WordPress for a few years now and I use it to […]
WordCamp Badge Widget
If you’re an event organizer this plugin allows you to give attendees and speakers and anyone else for that matter a widget for their blog that displays the event’s “badge”. Does require editing the code to fit the intended event but all that is required is adding your background image to your site, then modifying some variables at the top of the class ( background position, event name, etc ) and you’re set to add the widget to your blog as well as package it and allow users to download it.
FBLike WordPress Plugin
One of the best Facebook Like Plugins for WordPress out there. Add Facebook Like button to your posts. Configurable options allow you to select between IFrame & XFBML output methods, Select where to display your Like button. Adds a new button to TinyMCE that pops up a dialog to help you configure your shortcode. Comment form does appear when using the XFBML method.
WordCamp NYC 2009

WordCamp NYC is this weekend at Baruch College, CUNY and it’s going to be a blast. Just finished packing my bags and getting stuff ready for the trip up there tomorrow. A couple buddies of mine ( Matt Martz & Brad Williams ) are giving lectures at the conference so i’m really excited about those […]
Newly Inherited WordPress Plugins
If you know me, then you know that I am a freelance web developer with some strong ties to the wordpress community. A good friend of mine, Matt Martz, has announced recently that he would be passing a couple of his plugins on to other developers to maintain and he asked me last night if […]
Dynamic Favorites WordPress Plugin
Populates the favorites drop down menu, introduced in 2.7, with links based on actual page accesses. Lists the pages you actually use most.
Tracks admin page accesses and maintains a running total of those page accesses. Based on the top admin page accesses, this plugin will display a configurable number of favorites in the drop down menu.
Possibly Related Recent Posts WordPress Plugin
Automatically displays possibly related posts at the end of each post using a filter on the_content. List generated on the fly by recency and the categories the current post is in. Does NOT use tags.